This week I had the honour of being at the field at the rigth moment and watching the mare Hempa giving birth to her first foal. Usually the mares give birth during the nigth so it is not so common that we can see it. What was so amazing with this experience was to watch the reaction from the other 2 mares that are on the same field. One of them came directly to me and was standing beside me all the time, as to be sure that I would not get to close and the other one, Fantasía, was standing always 2 meters away from Hempa and it looked as she was there as a moral support. If you look close to the photos you can see it in her eyes that it looks like they are talking to each other. It also amazed me when the foal was born, a beautiful boy, then Fantasía came with her foal to say hi and when her foal was getting to close she pushed it to the side and they walked away together, as saying " so this is enough for now". It is also fun to tell that both these mares belong to a good friend of mine Sytske from Holland and it was nice to she the respect between her mares.
It was such a peaceful morning and some times no words can describe a moment like this.
Live the moment with me by clicking here
It was such a peaceful morning and some times no words can describe a moment like this.
Live the moment with me by clicking here